We believe that accounting must be quick and easy so you have more time to grow your business

Like a lot of good stories, this one starts with young couple

Merit Aktiva was founded in November 1991 when a young couple – Kaja Kert and Andres Kert decided to develop the accounting and stock managing program. Kaja worked in an agricultural machinery manufacturing company and she needed a tool to work faster and to save time. So that’s why they decided to make that tool themself. They had no idea how successful their programme is going to be. Now 33 years later Merit Palk is the most popular payroll software and Merit Aktiva is the most popular accounting software in Estonia and superfast growing in Finland and Poland as well. We have more than 42 000 happy users. Our goal is still the same – software should save time and be easy to use. 

Key to success – focused team

We love our product and we know that ideas don’t matter unless they become action. We always learn and never settle for good enough. Everything we do is focused on growth – increasing automation, easy-of-use and functionality.

Contribution to society

Give more and take less

Our job is to develop excellent software, but our role in the public incorporates much more. We are a value-driven company that is committed to social responsibility, and we believe that our success is merely a tool to help those in need.

We are happy to be able to make a difference and to give our charitable support to several organisations, mainly those dealing with children and disabled people.


  • We give monthly donations to support the Estonian SOS Children’s Villages Association.
  • We have been distributing the Merit Aktiva and Merit Palk programs to the sub-organisations of the Estonian Chamber of Disabled People for free since 2008. This includes free yearly upgrades. Find the Estonian Chamber of Disabled People online at: epikoda.ee
  • Starting from January 2010, the Merit Aktiva accounting program and Merit Palk salary program were also offered for free to the sub-organisations of the Estonian Women’s Shelters Union: naisteliin.ee
  • MTÜ Maarjakodu has been given the use of the Merit Aktiva accounting program for free. Find them on the internet at: maarjakodu.ee
  • MTÜ Pärnu Diakooniakeskus has been given the use of the Merit Aktiva accounting program for free. Visit the website of Pärnu Diakooniakeskus at: parnudiakoonia.eu
  • The Maarjaküla Fund has been given the use of the Merit Aktiva accounting program for free. Read about Maarjaküla at: maarjakyla.ee
  • The Lapsepuue Fund has been given the use of the Merit Aktiva accounting program for free. Find more info about the fund at: lapsepuue.ee
  • MTÜ AIESEC has been given the use of the Merit Aktiva accounting program for free. Visit AIESEC at: aiesec.ee
  • Eesti Abi- ja Teraapiakoerte Ühing MTÜ has been given the use of the Merit Aktiva accounting program for free. Find more info about this nonprofit organisation: teraapiakoer.ee

We support education

Good education makes people happier, healthier and more capable of contributing to the world around them. We believe that everyone has the superpower to think big, to change society for the better and to initiate innovation – so we are encouraging institutions by sharing our resources and by helping to provide the right tools to the right people.

  • For schools. Educational institutions can benefit from the use of free Merit Aktiva and Merit Palk licenses in their work. There are currently more than 10 higher and vocational education establishments that are using our software for study purposes.
  • For teachers with a vision. Teachers and tutors who use our software in their daily work and for running a personal business (e.g. an accounting company) will receive a free license for the fully functional versions of Merit Aktiva and Merit Palk to use in their businesses as well.
  • For students. We provide students with free licenses for the Merit Aktiva and Merit Palk programs. As of today, more than 500 students in various higher education institutions have taken advantage of this offer. The terms and conditions may vary from those of the commercial license; however, the software still comes with full functionalities.

Reliable and popular software

More than 83,000 companies rely on Merit Aktiva for accounting and over 25,000 companies, totalling up to over 133,000 employees – have chosen Merit Palk as their payroll software. Such a large number of users serves as a guarantee of timely updates, high reliability and smooth service.

Active users in April

43 269

Years of Experience

33 years